Training and courses

We provide training courses and field trips allowing for fast and effective professional skill development of your technical specialists. We cover a number of disciplines enabling target oriented training for seismic interpreters, petrophysicists and sedimentologists, as well as for generalists working with different disciplines and data sources.

We are able to adjust the content of the courses to your specific needs, allowing you to target your individual challenges more effectively. This approach increases the level of theoretical knowledge of your employees based on your own data or analogue examples.

We offer the following services:
  • Technical training for oil and gas specialists
  • Tailored field trips covering major facies and reservoir analogues
  • Detailed reservoir and facies analysis based on real cores

Introduction to sequence stratigraphy

2 days - up to 12 participants
Block № 1 –Theory
  • General concepts
  • Clastic systems
  • Carbonate systems
  • Mixed systems
Block № 2 – Case studies
  • Case № 1 - Seismic facies & Wheeler diagram
  • Case № 2 - Deposition dynamics and well log interpretation
  • Case № 3 - Parasequences in cores

Reserves calculation and evaluation of geological risks (PRMS)

1 day - up to 12 participants
Block № 1 –Theory
  • General concepts
  • Volume under closure and HC column height
  • Net to Gross ratio
  • Porosity and hydrocarbon saturation
  • Fluid properties
  • Recovery factor
  • Geological risks
Block № 2 – Case studies
  • Introduction to GeoX
  • Case № 1 - Oil
  • Case № 2 - Gas
  • Case № 3 - Mixed systems / unconventionals

Carbonate reservoirs

2 days - up to 12 participants
Block № 1 –Theory
  • General concepts
  • Carbonate systems through time
  • Depositional and facies models
  • Diagenetic processes
  • Carbonate reservoirs
Block № 2 – Case studies
  • Case № 1 – Petrography and microfacies
  • Case № 2 – Facies models
  • Case № 3 – Pore space classification

Field trip "Upper Devonian carbonates and
 Domanic deposits – Timan Pechora Basin"

Ukhta, Russia 3-5 days; May-September; up to 12 participants
Block № 1 –Field work
  • Day 1 – Slope and Basin deposits (Domanic; Upper Frasnian)
  • Day 2 – Reef, backreef and lagoonal deposits (Upper Frasnian)
  • Day 3 – Intertidal deposits (Famennian)
Block № 2 – Core and case studies
  • Example № 1 – Facies types in cores
  • Example № 2 – Facies models and sequence stratigraphy
  • Example № 3 – Frasnian and Famennian carbonate fields
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